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Por Adelina Cavadas (Professora), em 2018/03/29551 leram | 1 comentários | 167 gostam
My favourite things!
Hello! I´m 10 ten years old. I have got bracelets, a bike and a watch. I haven´t got a skateboard, a guitar or headphones. Here are three of my favourite things. My number one favourite thing is my bracelet! It’s awesome! I like the colours! My number two favourite thing is my tablet. It’s brilliant! I like gaming and I´ve got twenty-two games on it. My new bike is number three. It’s really cool! I like cycling and going for a ride with my family.

Raquel Pereira n.º 14 5.º B

Por Sandra Pereira (Familiar de aluno), em 2018/04/11
Very good, Raquel!Congratulations!

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