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Por Adelina Cavadas (Professora), em 2013/11/27759 leram | 0 comentários | 214 gostam
I generally get on with people very well. I don’t speak much to strangers, but with my friends and family I talk without ever stopping.
I generally get on with people very well. I don’t speak much to strangers, but with my friends and family I talk without ever stopping. I like my family and I get on with everyone there, some more than others.
Everyone in my class is my friend and I like that because I have to stay with them every year.
I’m not very argumentative, so, when conflicts happen, I tend to walk away and let time pass. They say time heals all wounds, right?
In my class, I get along with my best friend. He is the one that I trust my secrets to and, even though he is not a very trustworthy person, he has never revealed any of them.
So, considering my relationships, I am happy with my life and I wouldn’t switch it for any other life in the whole world.

Gabriel, nº12, 9ºC


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